Determined to break the cycle of work home work home work home, I planned out a change in activities when I flew back from the UK in October. The fab thing about transatlantic flights, is you get an opportuntity to do a lot of thinking and planning.
Of course my number 1 new activity was the increase in Blog frequency, in attempt to find my "voice". I also signed up to start a JC in Feburary, to start working on my degree. And just to balance it out, I'd like to give back, and do some volunteering.
I reached out to a couple of learning institutions. An Adult Literacy School, and an Kids after school program -- both to teach English. My first option was the Kids after school program, I submitted my application, but didn't get a response. When I followed up they were most contrite, but by then I'd already reached out to the Adult Literacy contact. And I have a meeting with her in 20 minutes.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I found it on runawayjane's blog. She has a great blog about Travel related topics, and includes some of her sketches.
She also publishes an eBook out which you can buy. It’s called the Independent Travel Resources, and was created with the aim of providing any backpacker or independent traveler with a specific collection of resources, for everything they need both pre and post departure.
Expat Blog
Success! I tried getting my Mavi Skies blog onto Turkey Expat Blogs-- but because I don't live there (yet!) - I couldn't.
As I'm an Expat in LA - I created Roving Jay and started blogging about LA life. And yesterday I got added to the LA section of the Expat Blog. I'm going viral!
Thanks for reading.
As I'm an Expat in LA - I created Roving Jay and started blogging about LA life. And yesterday I got added to the LA section of the Expat Blog. I'm going viral!
Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Oldest school-kid in town!
Yesterday I applied to West LA College! My Education journey has been quite sporadic since being in LA. I've always wanted a degree, and probably about 10 years ago, I started doing a BA degree at University of Phoenix. It was an accelerated degree program - one night of school a week, followed by a specific number of Study Group hours -- I really wasn't a fan of the school or some of the students -- but I did love the learning. I especially loved the Philosophy classes. I got quite a few credit - it was so long ago, I can't recall how many. But I eventually stopped going - even though my Company were paying the $300 per credit - that's $900 per 5 week class!
A few years ago - I enrolled in SMC - Santa Monica College - I signed up for 2 classes my first semester - a Photoshop class and a Psychology class -- I loved the Photoshop - but the Psychology class was a nightmare - masses of ready - and my head hurt - so many concepts to grasp - so I dropped out.
I've kicked myself back into action - and have signed up for the Spring Semester in February 2011 -- yesterday I completed my on line application, and today I received my student ID and my acceptance email.
Tonight I logged on the student website and took the Online Orientation class -- I think I get 1 credit for doing this!
I have signed up for my English and Maths Assessment on November 30th - but I may try and do it sooner.
My registration date is on December 14th!
Monday, November 15, 2010
DMV on a Monday morning
Tips for visiting the Culver City DMV! Don't go on a Monday Morning. I had to renew my driving license - and got there bright an early - or so I thought -- the line was already around the corner of the building.
Half an hour later I was still only half way there:I've had the same photo on my license for 10 years - so I'm not sure how I feel about being updated! One bonus is - that although my photo will be fresh and new - my weight was kept the same!! I'll never be 105 lbs again... but each time I look at my license - I can relive those glory - skinny puppy - years!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Three of us this weekend!
Had a bit of a gallavant this weekend.
Out for dinner on Friday night at: Waterloo and City
Fab Gastro Bar within walking distance - highly recommended.
Out for dinner on Saturday night at: Kaizuka
Our fave Sushi Restaurant on the Westside
Out for dinner on Sunday night at: Whole Foods
Sitting at the bar having salad and a glass of wine - while shopping troll by with their shopping carts during their Sunday Shot -- only in La-La Land!
On Saturday and Sunday - there was three of us at dinner - me, the Ginger Prince and his new iPhone 4. For the past couple of years, I've managed to convince him that he doesn't need an iPhone - he just makes calls and sends the odd text message. He doesn't use a computer for work - so isn't really tecchie savvy - but that's all changed now. We bought a Mac a couple of years ago - and since then - he's been getting more familiar with surfing, hunting out music - we have about 16k songs, and surfing through our photo's - nearly 18k, and this year - I introduced him to Facebook - and he's now an FF -- a facebook fiend! Never a day goes by, that he doesn't check in to find out what's going on with his friends back home.
So I couldn't fight it anymore -- the time had come - and I dragged him off to the local AT&T store. Don't go to the one in the Marina - they don't sell iPhones - how mad is that? AT&T is the only service provider in the US - and one of the 3 stores in the area's doesn't have iPhones.
We were heading to Santa Monica to the Mac Store - but on the way, went past another AT&T store on Lincoln Blvd - so stopped in there instead. What a fab store! Joclyn helped the Ginger Prince get his phone. I also caved, and traded in my ancient phone in for something new and snazzy - looks like something a teenybopper would have -- but it has Blue Tooth -- my new mini has blue tooth, but my old phone didn't - so it was a good enough reason to upgrade.
I spent about 15 minutes getting to know my phone - the GP spent all weekend snuggled up with his!
On his way to work today he emailed me a photo he took of the Coliseum - so I guess he's figured out how the camera works!
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